Signal Methods

TeamPlay signals come with a set of methods for interacting with the data they represent. These methods are available on all signals, whether they're created using $(), accessed through the root signal $, or returned by sub() or useSub().


Retrieves the current value of the signal.

const value = $signal.get()


Updates the value of the signal.

await $signal.set(newValue)

Note: set() is asynchronous and returns a Promise.


Deletes the value of the signal or removes an item from an array.

await $signal.del()

Note: del() is asynchronous and returns a Promise.


Adds a value to the end of an array signal.

await $signal.push(newItem)


Removes and returns the last item from an array signal.

const lastItem = await $signal.pop()


Increments a numeric signal by the specified value (or by 1 if no value is provided).

await $signal.increment(5)


Adds a new item to a collection signal, automatically generating a unique ID.

const newId = await $signal.add({ name: 'New Item' })


  • All methods that modify data (set(), del(), push(), pop(), increment(), add()) are asynchronous and return Promises. This ensures data consistency with the server.
  • The get() method is synchronous and returns the current local value of the signal.
  • These methods can be chained on nested signals, e.g., $.users[userId].name.set('New Name').