sub() Function

The sub() function is used to subscribe to data from the server in TeamPlay. It can be used to subscribe to individual documents or to query multiple documents.


sub(signal, [queryParams])


  • signal: A signal representing the collection or document to subscribe to.
  • queryParams (optional): An object containing query parameters when subscribing to multiple documents.

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to a signal representing the subscribed data.


Subscribing to a single document

const $user = await sub($.users[userId])

Subscribing to a query (multiple documents)

const $activeUsers = await sub($.users, { status: 'active' })


  • The sub() function is asynchronous and returns a Promise.
  • When used in React components, it's recommended to use the useSub() hook instead, which handles the asynchronous nature of subscriptions in a React-friendly way.
  • Subscribed data is automatically kept in sync with the server.