useSub() Hook

The useSub() hook is a React hook that combines the functionality of the sub() function with React's component lifecycle. It's used to subscribe to TeamPlay data within React components.


const $data = useSub(signal, [queryParams])


  • signal: A signal representing the collection or document to subscribe to.
  • queryParams (optional): An object containing query parameters when subscribing to multiple documents.

Return Value

Returns a signal representing the subscribed data.


import { observer, $, useSub } from 'teamplay'

const UserProfile = observer(({ userId }) => {
  const $user = useSub($.users[userId])
  return <div>{$}</div>


  1. Automatic Subscription Management: useSub() handles subscribing when the component mounts and unsubscribing when it unmounts.

  2. Suspense Integration: It works seamlessly with React Suspense, automatically handling loading states.

  3. Reactivity: Changes to the subscribed data will cause the component to re-render.


  • useSub() should be used within components wrapped with observer() to ensure proper reactivity.
  • It's designed to work with React's rules of hooks, so it should not be used in conditional statements.